Tuesday 31 March 2009

Filming Today

As a group we agreed that it would be okay for me to fim a few scenes during period 4 as all three of our actors were free and the deadline is Friday. So we decided that I would redo a few scenes and do some extra ones . I would also film some of them with Balpreet during period 5. However luckily and surprisingly I found that I was all right for time and ended up doing most of the filming. Therefore I decided that we did not need to film during period 5 however once the rest of the group has looked over all the footage that I filmed today I will make sure that everything looks good to them and if they disagree then they we can re-film it. I managed to re-do the bathroom scene and diary scene again and checked that the continuity of the shots looked good as previously when it came to editing we found that it was a major problem.
Tommorow we will hopefully then edit all the filming done today and sort out any errors that need to be fixed.


Evidence of excellence in the creative use of most of the following technical skills:
• holding a shot steady, where appropriate
• framing a shot, including and excluding elements as appropriate
• using a variety of shot distances as appropriate
• shooting material appropriate to the task set
• selecting mise-en-scène including colour, figure, lighting, objects and setting
• editing so that meaning is apparent to the viewer
• using varied shot transitions and other effects selectively and appropriately for the task set
• using sound with images and editing appropriately for the task set
• using titles appropriately.

As a group we have tried to cover the specifcation to the best of our abilities, we have tried to have a range of shots, with different angles. The editing we have done so far is quite relevant, and we have used black and white effects in our opening to show the difference between time. We have also edited the music so that it fits in with the images.

Over view

As a group we have been making decisions however they haven'tbeen going to plan, yesterday me and Fadila were meant to film but this didn't happen due to some misunderstandings, similalry today when Balpreet and Fadila were meant to film, there was some confusion therefore Fadila filmed on her own. Me and Balpreet have been doing the editing and the music whereas Fadila has been filming, we thought providing each otehr with certain roles would be better than all of us doing everything as it would be less time consuming and the end result would be better. As a group there have been some conflict as not everyone has been communicating well enough and a member is making decisions without discussing it with the other group members. Although things are going well it could be better if we discussed properly rather than get all the filming done in one go. The music was created by my brother through the software FL Studio, with the deadline just few days away me and Balpreet decided to loop the music so that there wasn't a beat to it as we were advised not to use a music peice with a beat. As pressure is getting to us we all are disagreeing on certain bits as some don't agree with others however we just have to try and do the best we can until our deadline.


Today me and Fadila were both meant to film some of the scenes so that the filming was finsihed and then we as a group would just have to do editing, and music. However this did not go to plan, as Fadila had done the filming during period 4.
During period 5 today i was editing music as there were some editing errors.


Annie and I have put together the music during our free lesson on Monday periods 2 and 3. Annie had brought in some music samples that her brother had put together, so me and Annie have chosen to use two of them. during periods 2 and 3 on Monday we have edited the music so it would link with the camera shots and editing of each of the shots.

Friday 27 March 2009

Overview of today!

Today unfortunately our main actress did not turn up for filming during period one and two meaning we didn't get much done. However we did though manage to re-film the corridor scene of Amina which was successful we filmed her at three different shots a mid-shot a long shot and a close up. However once we uploaded it on the computer we noticed that it was bit grainy we have decided to leave it for now and if we have time we will re-do it but at the moment we are just focusing on finishing all the scenes which we haven't filmed yet. We also filmed the shots of Joe and Amina together when Annie looks out the window at them even though Annie was not present we managed to do a really nice close up of them together.
We still have plenty to do we spent Period three editing all that we filmed in the morning and its coming along well we hope to have all the filming done by Tuesday but if worst comes to worse we will film anything that needs to be done on Wednesday.
As for the music Annie has taken on the role in coming upwith music. We did have music however we had problems with the beats that was in it as it did not seem to create a thriller effect .However Annie is sorting it so that we can hopefully add it to our thriller by next lesson.
Also during the lesson we sorted out filming days and what we have left to film so that we each have a turn filming things together or as a group. Making it easier for each other and quicker so that we don't to keep re-doing things again because of certain things that are wrong with it for example the framing of the shot or the lighting.

Thursday 26 March 2009

Last week and so..

Here is a plan of what we hope to do tomorrow and next week:

Friday Period 1&2 - Filming with Amina Annie and Joe:
Re-do : the scene where Annie is writing in her diary
-the bathroom scene where Amina will come up behind Annie but when Annie looks up Amina has disappeared.
- To film all scenes that involve all three actors.

Friday Period 4 - import all the footage that we filmed and edit it
- Take a pictures of Amina with Joe and Annie with Joe for the scene where Annie will cut Amina's face out and replace it with her own

Monday period 1& 2 - Edit any footage that is still yet to be (try add in transitions)
insert the music and film the title credits. If any of our actors are free but mainly Annie as she is the main character that we need. We will then during lunch or maybe during period 3 &4 when Balpreet and Annie are free they will film any scenes which still need to be filmed. Meaning that:

Tuesday period 5 : Me and Balpreet will import what they last few scenes and watch over top check if there is anything that may need to be redone in case at the last minute.

Wednesday period 3: Edit the shots that were imported as a group and make sure that each scene is in the correct order.

Friday period 4 and after lunch: Final Deadline!!! We will all be doing last minute touch ups to make sure everything is in order and well edited if there is a problem then we will be able to check and discuss ways in which we could make things that we have edited look better.

Reflection on the past few days!

Since the filming that Annie and Balpreet did on Monday alot has happened. Wednesday did not go to plane due to issues as a group but this has not been resolved and we have as group planned out properly so that everyone is happy and equal what roles they will be playing and when everyone is free to do things as a group or in pairs so that no one is left having so much on themselves. We have spoken as a group and have now finally decided that Amina will again become our actress as we realised that using Georgia is disturbing her time to work with her own group. Amina has agreed to replace Georgia and we have decided that on Friday in the morning we will film as many scenes that we have left and re-do the ones in which there was lighting problems or the shot was out of focus. We will then during Mr Meade's lesson as a group edit the footage that we filmed and see if there is anything left to do. Below is our final storyboards which is long over due but it took us along time to plan as group but things seem to be working okay now. Also below there is a sample of what our schedule is for the next week or so which we hope goes to plan.

Tuesday 24 March 2009

24th March

Yesterday we all done quite abit of editing and also filmed a scene with Joe, as Anastasia wasn't avalibale we decided to do a tracking shot instead of a long shot as it will make it seem like Anastasia's character is the camera itself. This way we wil not have to film the scene again. Joe helped us a lot and gave us tips on how to film, this also gave us expereince for further on in the project. We have found our music, aswell, things are running smoothly and we should be finished filming by the end of this week if thinsg go to plan.

Friday 20 March 2009

20th March

We began filming this week however the establishing shot turned out to be too difficult therefore we have had to make some changes to the story line. Although we are still sticking to the same ideas we have had to change the way we are shooting so the outcome is proffesional. As we have made some alterations we have had to change the story board which will be posted by next week. We have all been given parts, due to our abilities, although we all wil be contributing to the filming we all have realised that we should give each other one part that we are good at. Fadila therefore will be doing the camera work most of the time alongside Balpreet whereas I will be doing most of the editing. We have also changed the cast as the previous cast wasn't avaliable at the times we were therefore we are now using Anastasia and Joseph.

Wednesday 18 March 2009

Reflection on the synoptic day

Today was extremely stressful for our group because we struggled to find a person to replace Amina as we found that it was to hard to film around her timetable and also because she was not present for us to continue filming her as the outgoing girl and to redo the shots that we filmed on Monday. So after a lot of thinking we decided to use Georgia which was a good idea as were looked at her timetable and figured out days in which we could film her and the guy together. During the first two periods we went through our storyboard and planned out clearly what would happen in shot so that no one was confused when it came to filming her. This was good because we all got a clear understanding of how we would actually film certain shots for example the angles we were going to use and also where we would place certain credits.
Furthermore after break we began filming in the library which turned out much better then Mondays filming because we knew how to position the shot and we also checked to see weather things were in focus as that was major issues on Monday.
After lunch we whent to Garrat Park and filmed the actual opening which showed Georgia as two diferent girls on two different sides of the camera we found this quite challenging even though Mr Meade did explain and demonstrate to us how to do it. We found it hard to be quick with the camera because the shot starts with the sky then goes down to the ordinary girl and the same things is repeated but it goes back down to Georgia as the outgoing girl. Also as the alter-ego she had to be able to smoke in to the camera so that it will go blurry and when its came to editing the title of the film will be placed after it. However it took at least three to four times for us to actually get it right making us a little frustrated but also making us see how much time it takes to actually get things right.
we managed to film four shots and upload them on to the Mac and try to edit it adding in effects like putting in to slow motion and changing the colour to black because we want to give off the idea of past and present. It came out alright although we still have a lot of editing to do within those shots and the other shots which we will film on Monday hopefully because its the time when everyone in our group and the actors are free. Although as a group we hope that on Friday we can finish off editing what we filmed today.

Tuesday 17 March 2009

the media synoptic day!

As i was not in today hopefully tomorrow during the media synoptic day I will cath up with my group and see what they did. As well as this i persoanlly think that we need to actually go through our storyboard again to make sure that no one is confused about what is happening in shoot because i feel that after monday's filming members of the group were abit lost as to what was going on. Therefor we need to go over our plans so that we get as much done during the next few days.

Monday 16 March 2009

16th March

Week beginning March the 16th we started to shoot, we noticed that as we are filming outside teher may be some issues with the weather, and as the main actors have different timings to each other we will have to work after school and in our free time to film. We also developed our preliminary task as it was not completed,through shooting itthe second time we notcied that we need to carefully look at the mise en scene as the shot composition is important and we need the frame to be filled without empty spaces left. We used Amina in year 13 as our main girl, and we shot some scenes with her, we also gathered that for the male role we will need some more attention as Gaz isn't avaliable at the times Amina is. We have begun discusing the name for our thriller and have also gained ideas of the title sequence. So far we are up to date with everything and filming is going well. Weare planning on editing along this week,hopefully everything is fine.

Sunday 15 March 2009

Monday's filmimg

During Monday's media lessons as a group we will go over the storyboard and confirm which shots we will film and hopefully get at least one or two done during the lesson if not then we will think about credits or editing and possibly come up with a schedule as to when we as group or individually go and edit footage that we film. Then after lunch as a group and along with our main character in our opening we will film at least six shots in the locations we have picked which we hope goes well!

Friday 13 March 2009

in response to my groups posting!

In response to both Balpreet's and Annie's post so far we are on target and in terms of music below are too suggestions of the music we want to use but we will continue researching.

As for the name for our thriller it will be decided as group hopefully we may come up with one during filming but some suggestions so far are : " The Game" which seems typical but we want the title to be quite short and it will be able to reflect on the main characters personality so for example her feeling like she is ' misunderstood.'
After filming next week we will hopefully as group upload footage the and edit it so that we are on target and make sure that we can see weather or not we may have redo certain shots again. Furthermore we will also thinking about our credit titles and the use of font that we want to use for it.
I am not going be in on Tuesday therefore Annie and Balpreet will be working with out me to try and get as much filming done of the scenes that we don't end up doing on Monday.

New member

My teacher decided to change my group as there were some problems in the previous group. All my planning is with them as we are quite far in the project, to check my work you can see; unforgetableproductions.blogspot.com. However I have adapted well to this group, we are working well with time and by the beginning of next week we are planning on shooting. Near the end of next week we are hoping to have finished our shooting so it gives us enough time for editing to take place. We also have begun looking at the music for our thriller, however this still needs some researching. We also need to be thinking of a name for the thriller, as a group we have accepted to make this decision later on the project after the filming is done.

A change in story

We as a group have made a few changes to the outline of our opening sequence to the thriller. Due to problems involving groups, Annie has become a member of our group and Jeray has left. In today's lesson Annie came up with a few ideas that have helped develop our opening sequence. As a group we whent off to the different locations in which we hope to film at during monday's media lesons and in our free time. Furthermore during our own time as a group we have been searching for music which we can hopefully use at the beigning of the opeining of our thriller. This is was quite sucessful as both Fadila and Annie have two diffrent types in which we hope to use for the first five minutes to our opening sequence.

Tuesday 3 March 2009

After meeting with the group.

Today during our free we decided to meet up and go through finalising ideas for the storyboard of our opening sequecne . This whent well as everyone was present and we managed to finish off the shots that needed to be completed. We have now
devide out who will draw out each shot and who will write out the dialouge which will be done by next lesson.Although it has come to my attention that our thriller has to be at least 2-5 minutes long but once we start filming our opening sequence the six shots we have created once edited together will only last at least a minute or maybe less, therefor as a group we may have to meet up again or during lesson time to have think about creating at least 3- 4 more shots so our thriller is not short..

Monday 2 March 2009

Story Board

This week we will all come together and create the story boards of our opening sequence. I have chosen to draw the visual representation of the shot as well as the description, dialogue and sound effect/music which my group members will be completing. During the lesson time we have come up with four shots that we have all agreed with. We have planed to meet tomorrow with thoughts and planing of the next shots to complete the story board.


Unfortunately Jarey was not preseent when me and Balpreet came up with the idea for the opening sequence to our thriller but below is our first draft of the main narrative to our thriller:

Lucy James never really stuck out in the crowd. If anything she was able to blend into the crowds of other students who were typically ordinary and hard working. Brought up in an environment which reflected respect and determination in all aspects of their lives , it was hard for Lucy to stray from the expectaions they placed upon her. Brought up as an only child placed further constarints upon Lucy, which she was only just begining to discover.
She met Tom two years ago in the park whilst wating for her mom's charity event to end.He gave her everything a girl could ask for ,but she felt she was not being herself anymore.

Product Research - "Flight Plan"

I have decided to look at the four minutes of the opening sequence to "Flight Plan", a psychological thriller. "Flight Plan" is about the loss of a leading characters husband and disappearance of her daughter and how this has effected her behaviour psychologically.

There are many techniques that have been used in the opening sequence of the movie, that can also be linked into the opening of our group production. These techniques include:-

  1. Editing
  2. Sound
  3. Setting
  4. Psychological problems

I will be looking closely at these techniques due to the findings from, audience research. The editing is fast in between the shots which builds up tension, however the way in which the credits have been shown to the viewers is by the diegetic sound of the train in the background. The type of editing used are dissolve and cuts. The audience become confused, and start to think that they are being shown the movement of a characters mind (psychological problems). We can also use this technique in the opening sequence of our psychological thriller, this should show the use of the the biblical reference or even the flash backs that we have decided to include. The type of editing that we could use is dissolve, as this would make the audience think that there is a connection between the two shots.

During the scene the audience are shown different settings, one which in at the station, and the other is in a room were we can see a coffin. The settings change due to the editing, which confuses the audience as they start to think that they are bring shown two different personalities of the leading character, or even what has happened in the past. Within the station there are no other people to be seen, the audience become worried. The lighting is also very dark which could symbolise the characters memory. Whereas in the other scene there are other people that can be seen which could be representing the thoughts, the memories.

As a group we have come up with idea for our opening sequence, which involve having one character, but two personalities. In the opening sequence of "Flight Plan" the audience also get the impression of seeing two different personalities of one character.

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