Friday 27 March 2009

Overview of today!

Today unfortunately our main actress did not turn up for filming during period one and two meaning we didn't get much done. However we did though manage to re-film the corridor scene of Amina which was successful we filmed her at three different shots a mid-shot a long shot and a close up. However once we uploaded it on the computer we noticed that it was bit grainy we have decided to leave it for now and if we have time we will re-do it but at the moment we are just focusing on finishing all the scenes which we haven't filmed yet. We also filmed the shots of Joe and Amina together when Annie looks out the window at them even though Annie was not present we managed to do a really nice close up of them together.
We still have plenty to do we spent Period three editing all that we filmed in the morning and its coming along well we hope to have all the filming done by Tuesday but if worst comes to worse we will film anything that needs to be done on Wednesday.
As for the music Annie has taken on the role in coming upwith music. We did have music however we had problems with the beats that was in it as it did not seem to create a thriller effect .However Annie is sorting it so that we can hopefully add it to our thriller by next lesson.
Also during the lesson we sorted out filming days and what we have left to film so that we each have a turn filming things together or as a group. Making it easier for each other and quicker so that we don't to keep re-doing things again because of certain things that are wrong with it for example the framing of the shot or the lighting.

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