Friday 20 February 2009

Preliminary Task

The task required us to produce a piece of film in which a character :
  • opens a door
  • walks across the room
  • sits down in a chair opposite another character
  • exchanges two sentences of a conversation

When we first began storyboarding for the piece we asumed that it would be easy to shoot however after drawing out at least six of our shots along with the dialouge we found it to be difficult as when we did start filming we found it hard to find a location around the school where lightining would not effect the scene. We filmed three of our shots and then begun editing this was very challenging as we realised that some of the scenes thats we had filmed were not acurate within angles for example our over the shoulder shot was not clear enough because the camera was not steady.

so we re- filmed certain shots and rephrased the exchange of dialouge . This time we found that it whent well and were pleased so we edited it trying to put the shots together which finally ended up being in place and overall as a group were quite happy with our final piece. #

Fadila Kara


  1. Good bit of reflection. What would you say is the most important lesson that you could take out of this exercise and keep in mind when making your thriller opening sequence? Can you make sure you use the word shot instead of scene. A series of shots are used to make up a scene.

  2. I think the most important lesson that i took away from doing the task is that i need to be able to allow the other members of my group to make decision on what particular asspect they want to work on in creating our thriller opening sequence.However I do think that the preliminary task has shown me that sometimes i voice my opinon more then anyone else in the group and i need to learn to compromise with them so that when we do start storyborading or filimg everyone is happy and it wil hopefully make the opening sequence to our thriller a much more better experience!!!


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