Wednesday 25 February 2009

Audience Research

In order to create the opening sequence to my thriller I had to do some Audience research to find out what interests my audience in terms of the thriller genre and also what types of elements we will have to add or change to the storyline of my thriller for example: what type of characters they prefer and what things put them off from watching films. So we created ten questionnaires and handed them out to five boys and five girls who were 15-18 so that we could get a range of opinions and ideas.
Below is the feedback that we received and I have created charts so that it is clearer to me to be able to understand what interests our audience:

This pie chart showed us that our character will be problematic which quite a typical convention of psychological thrillers is. However the pie chart also shows us that some people want both to have an understanding character so they can relate to them, but problematic which will be quite challenging however initially the main narrative for my thriller was to have a normal teenage girl but then she does become illusion, so that my thriller will be about finding who she really is.

The next Pie chart shows how often the people who took the questionnaire watch films. From this we learnt that the majority of 15-18 year olds watch films on a weekly basis therefore if we was to promote my thriller we would advertise it weekly so that our audience will not miss out on seeing the trailer for the thriller. It means it will be easy to promote to our target audience and other audience who would interested in watching it because would be able to promote in public places where people are likely too see it.

One of the main questions that we asked people to answer was regarding genre in particular focusing on what genre interested them. We asked this question because we felt that it would help me know what element to bring from other genres in to my thriller.

From this we I learnt that 15-18 year olds were mainly interested in the romantic genre but also enjoyed watch Action movies. This showed us that with my thriller we will now have element of romance which will appeal to a young female audience. If she is young and in love but also has loads of problems a female audience will feel they will be able to sympathise and relate to her.
However we will try to include bit of action so that our thriller will be able to appeal to a male audience as the action in the characters life will make her/he even more problematic.
However with the action it will be quite minimum because its two minutes of an opening thriller sequence we don’t want to give so much away but we also want it to be quite action packed so that it obviously draws the audience in.

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