Sunday 10 May 2009

Fadila Kara - Question7

  7.  Looking back  at your preliminary task what do you feel  you  have learnt in the progression from it to  the full product?

   Our  preliminary task taught us the importance of  storyboarding in detail as  it  makes it so  much easier  to  know specifiacly  what it is that your filming and what types  shots  you need to  film.  A major things that i  feel as group we learnt  was how to  be organised  and  sechedual as group the  timings in which we could  film and edit.  One  problem  that we encountred when we wre filiming our  prelimary task  and  had  to make  sure  we did not  do when,  we begun filiming our  opening sequence  was the  lighting. After we  filmed  and imported on to  the I Macs we  noticed  at  the lighting was very dark and we could not see the charcters  well  this was because of  the filltering settings of the camera. 
  •      Everytime we  would  set up  the camera we had to make  sure that  we had the  camera  was in writing settings  so that  we would  not  have to kepe re-doing scenes again.  In adittion when  i  filmed i found that  the problem i  had was trying to keep   the camera steady. I learnt that  the  quikest  way to doing  close-ups  and point of  view  of shots  was to pause  the  camera  and  then slowly zooom in.  Moreover looking back at our  premliminary task  the  way in which we filmed certain shots was very basic, in comparsion to  our  final piece.
    We  learnt how to be  creative when we filmed  certain scenes  for  example  we filmed  a point of  view shot  of  our main  charatce  from out  the side  a libary  window, we managed to  slowly zoom in on her facial expression. I feel that was creative as quite  diffrent  to t the ways in which normal point of shots  are shown in psychological thrillers. 

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